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My Food Job Rocks

How big companies test things, remove bias, and innovate forward with Keren Novack, VP of Client Services, Curion read more

Greg Silich Joins Curion Insights as Chief Operating Officer

“We’re delighted to have Greg join our team. His strengths include both the ability to think and plan at the strategic level and to manage the day-to-day, tactical challenges of rapidly changing organizations. His experience and drive will help Curion as we introduce disruptive tools for our clients and grow our footprint.” read more


Fragrance and aroma are key drivers for consumer acceptance that leads into repeat purchase. Our Proprietary qPOD® Fragrance & Aroma Testing Technology US patents 9,021,860 and 9,696,287 The qPOD® is…

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Our Approach

Real insights come when your consumers are connected to their world. LifeLabs™ by Curion takes your products out of the booth and brings them into life without forsaking the benefits…

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Get closer to your consumer to find the moments you own and the ones you don’t. Proven Insights With over 40 years in the product testing industry, Curion knows that…

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Bring Your Product to Life LifeLabs™ allows us to gather real-life consumer feedback in the moment, in real life or through simulated settings, to uncover actionable insights for: product, consumption…

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